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Downloader for TV

Downloader for TV

v19 by HK Innovate
(0 Reviews) April 25, 2024
Downloader for TV Downloader for TV Downloader for TV Downloader for TV Downloader for TV

Latest Version

April 25, 2024
HK Innovate
Android TV
File Size
32.3 MB
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How to install apk on Android TV

Old Versions of Downloader for TV

Downloader for TV v17

April 25, 2024 32.3 MB

More About Downloader for TV

Downloader for TV is a third-party application that is used to sideload the applications on your Android Smart TV. This app has an ergonomic design, making it easier for users to access it on their smart TVs. They also provide a URL shortener website(urlsrt.io) using which you can shorten the URL and download files with ease.
  1. Website: https://downloaderfortv.com/
  2. Minimum Version: Android 5.1 and above
  3. Play Store Availability: Yes (Open Link)


  1. With the Downloader for TV app, you can download photos, videos, apps, and other files on your Android Smart TV.
  2. The interface of this app is intuitive and you can easily download the files on your Android TV.
  3. With the Downloader for TV, you will also get to use the URL shortener website for free.
  4. This Downloader app also acts as a File Manager app and you can find the downloaded files under the Files tab.
  5. You can also delete the unused files, or apps within the Downloader for TV app to free up storage.
  6. You can view the downloaded files on your Android TV by sorting them based on name, date, time, and size.
  7. With the Auto-install option, you can install the downloaded files automatically.
  8. You can resolve your queries by going through the FAQ section available on the Downloader for TV app.

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